Monday, March 16, 2009

Taking a Bath!

Wyatt loves baths! more and more the older he gets! He gets so excited when he sees the water and can't wait to get in and splash around! Usually he is the one getting splashed by his sisters,
at least for now, I'm sure that will change!
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How Firm a Foundation

In primary this year one of the songs that the kids are learning is "How Firm a Foundation". To help the primary kids learn the song, our music leader had the kids take turns stacking blocks to create a firm foundation for a tower. That was a real hit in our family! The girls have been building towers with their blocks, all the while singing "How Firm a Foundation".

Poor Wyatt is only allowed to watch from a distance because he is a "foundation wrecker"!

Their tower looks a little wobbly, they may need to build a better foundation!

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Whatcom Falls Park

We have been out exploring Bellingham again
and have found a new place to walk,
Whatcom falls Park.
There is a very pretty waterfall and creek
and lots of really great trails to walk on.
We took the kids out the other day because
it was a sunny day and not snowing or raining
(it's been a while since we've had one of those days) .
It was sunny but very, very cold! Emma wore 2 coats, Savannah had her ski pants and gloves on and Wyatt was just a speck under all his blankets! Emma loves running the trails and seeing all there is to see. Savannah thinks it would be fun to follow Emma, until she actually has to walk for a little while, then she would rather ride in the stroller.
I just can't believe the beauty of the earth, it is truly breathtaking!
We found a little bend in the creek/river that looks like a good place to go swimming in the summer. There are several worn foot paths to the spot so we are guessing we are not the first to have the idea.
It will be fun to see in the summer.

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Megan and Amy visiting for the day

The other day Megan and Amy came to visit for the day. It was so fun to have them here! They are getting so big! Cousins are so much fun!
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First day of Dance Class

Emma and Savannah have started a new activity...a dance class.
They are both really excited, especially Savannah because she actually gets to participate and not just watch Emma. They are in different classes but they are the same type of class, a "theatrical dance "class. That means that they sing and dance. Savannah's class is basically her primary class, they are learning a dance to "The bear necessities". Savannah is so funny, she knows the song all the way through and sings it all of the time but when she gets to dance she doesn't sing! They are very cute and funny to watch, you never know what you will get with a bunch of 3 year olds!
Emma's class is learning a dance to "Singing in the Rain". We sing "Singing in the rain" all of the time now! Emma loves to go to class, I think she is more into the dance part of the class, she is always practicing her dance steps, especially the"barbie walk".

Emma doing the"barbie walk"

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