Monday, February 9, 2009

President Obama is in our house!

The other day we had an insurance agent come over to our house to talk with us about life insurance. I was upstairs getting ready when Emma came running in and said "Mom, President Obama is in our house!, he is right downstairs!" I said "oh really?" Emma said "He really is mom! right down stairs!" She was so excited and nervous to go down and meet him. They have been talking about President Obama in school and she is really interested in him right now. I finnished getting dressed and went downstairs. I had to laugh when I saw who "President Obama" was. The insurance agent was an African American man who did look a little like President Obama.
Later at dinner we were talking about President Obama when Savanna piped up saying that she didn't like Obama. Mark jokingly asked her if she liked McCain instead. She got all excited and said "yes! I love candy canes! rainbow ones, cherry ones, mint ones..." It was very funny.
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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Lotion head Savannah

The other night Mark and I were sitting downstairs relaxing, the kids were all in bed and all was quiet and peaceful...or so we thought! Who knew that sweet little Savannah was upstairs, not in bed at all. She came down quietly, when I heard her and turned to see what she needed, I just started laughing. She told us that she needed help washing her hands. She had gotten into the baby lotion and slathered lotion all over. Needless to say, she got more than just her hands washed!

Stimpson Nature Reserve

The other day we decided it would be fun to explore the Stimpson Nature Reserve by our house. We drive by it every day as we take Emma to school and she had been wanting to go hiking. So we bundled up the kids and headed out. It was a foggy, misty day but it was beautiful! It was so nice to walk through the forest, to smell the clean, fresh air. Emma was so excited to run ahead and keep us posted of all the animal sounds she could hear. Savannah was not quite so brave, she spent most of the time holding daddy's hand or riding on his back. Wyatt was happy and content in the back pack, it was his first hiking experience! We didn't get all the way around the loop but it was a fun family adventure anyway. We are so blessed to be able to live in such a beautiful place!