Monday, February 9, 2009

President Obama is in our house!

The other day we had an insurance agent come over to our house to talk with us about life insurance. I was upstairs getting ready when Emma came running in and said "Mom, President Obama is in our house!, he is right downstairs!" I said "oh really?" Emma said "He really is mom! right down stairs!" She was so excited and nervous to go down and meet him. They have been talking about President Obama in school and she is really interested in him right now. I finnished getting dressed and went downstairs. I had to laugh when I saw who "President Obama" was. The insurance agent was an African American man who did look a little like President Obama.
Later at dinner we were talking about President Obama when Savanna piped up saying that she didn't like Obama. Mark jokingly asked her if she liked McCain instead. She got all excited and said "yes! I love candy canes! rainbow ones, cherry ones, mint ones..." It was very funny.
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  1. That's too funny! It reminded me of when we were watching the press conference Obama held and Anna saw him and said "look it's the United States". I had tried to explain to her that he was the new president of the United States when we watched his inauguration. So now she thinks he's the United States. We've never had him at our house though.

  2. You are very special to have such a visit. Don't you just love there innocence.
